• Question: What most intresests you about the brain??

    Asked by meggie to Emily on 15 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by hspeirs24, shannoncourtney.
    • Photo: Emily Robinson

      Emily Robinson answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Brilliant question meggie and hspeirs24!!! And I will sound like such a geek but it is really hard to pick one thing as I just love learning about how the brain works. The obvious answer would be to say what my PhD is on (so how inflammation from your immune system is attacking you brain after brain damage like stroke) but I think that is the cop-out answer so I will choose something I especially like during my undergraduate degree instead… I loved the idea of ‘Blindsight’ I am not sure how I first heard of blindsight as it is a very specialist area of research, maybe it was mentioned in a lecture. It is when a blind person who is unaware of any visual input can make predictions using visual cues. I just think I thought it was such an interesting idea that even if you dont know you are seeing your brain is making decisions based on vision. It is a very controversial area of neuroscience and a lot of people don’t believe in it, but it caught my interest and I wrote my 2nd year dissertation on the subject.

      What is your favourite thing about the brain?
