• Question: What do you like about crystals

    Asked by meggie to Jamie on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jamie Gallagher

      Jamie Gallagher answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Well they look nicer than organic blobs, moulds and fluff for a start!
      I like that they make sence. I’m on the train passing lots of farms right now so here is my farmed themed crystal explanation!
      If you have a haystack, all the hay piled up randomly. It can blow away, you can’t tell how much is there. If you added a second haystack on top if you just get messier and you can’t predit how it will look or what the devil you can use all your hay for.
      Now if you stack your hay into those convenient little rectangles that they make things become easier. You can have a better guess at how much is there. If you add another bundle you know where it will go and it is all ready to be used.

      Crystals are like this. If you have a blob it is hard to tell what is in it or what it does. Crystals are very neat and tidy inside, basically they make sence. I can understand them easier.

      Just don’t tell a biologist this though!!!!
