• Question: what came first; male or female?

    Asked by mollymoo to Cesar, Emily, Jamie, Kate, Philippa on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jamie Gallagher

      Jamie Gallagher answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Female, all babies start off female before chemical changes induce the development of boys. Did you never wonder why boys also have nipples- we were once girls!

    • Photo: Kate Clancy

      Kate Clancy answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Erm… not exactly. Female is not the default, you actually do need to go through physiological changes to become male. If someone is born without going through sex differentiation, that doesn’t make them female, that actually makes them androgynous.

      In a broader evolutionary sense, you could probably say female came first, because we often think of asexual reproduction as mothers producing daughters. But I think that might be partly from our biased sense that females are the default.

      The reality is that lots of really interesting things have to happen in order for someone to become female… just as really interesting things have to happen to become male!
