• Question: Was You ever naughty in school??

    Asked by miamimi to Cesar, Emily, Jamie, Kate, Philippa on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Kate Clancy

      Kate Clancy answered on 14 Jun 2011:


      When I was younger, I was bored in school quite a bit. So I would ignore my teacher and just read my own books. Eventually, my teacher realized I wasn’t doing the work and I got in BIG trouble — she made my parents come in and have a big conference with them. Then she saved all the worksheets I hadn’t been doing and made me do them all.

      Of course, no one bothered to wonder why I was so bored.

      That was when I was seven years old. After that incident I got much better about listening, but I still would read my own books sometimes, through my teen years. I just got better at not getting caught…

    • Photo: Philippa Demonte

      Philippa Demonte answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      @miamimi I wasn’t naughty in school. In fact, I was a school prefect! But actually now I think about it, there was one incident at school. We were in a biology lesson when the school caretaker came and told us that a baby duck had just hatched and did we want to go see it. The only problem was that we had to jump across a stream to see it. I jumped across, but didn’t quite make it and fell into the stream. My clothes got covered in mud, and unfortunately the teacher came past just as I was trying to get out of the water. She wasn’t very impressed and sent me back into the school to get cleaned up. I never did see the baby duck 🙁

    • Photo: Cesar Lopez-Monsalvo

      Cesar Lopez-Monsalvo answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I was very naughty … but I rather don’t give any ideas here 😉

    • Photo: Jamie Gallagher

      Jamie Gallagher answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I was never too bad. I think I could be quite cheeky to teachers some times. but i never ment any harm. I was a lot better behaved than lots of other people.
      I only had two punishment excercises- one for eating in class and one for coming back from lunch late.

    • Photo: Emily Robinson

      Emily Robinson answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Not really. I used to get detentions but that was mainly because I was always late to my lessons as I was always chatting to my mates. I think I annoyed my teachers though as I would always ask ‘but why’ when they were trying to give me a simple answer as I always wanted to know the full story. And I never liked my french lessons as I am not very good at learning languages so my french teacher used to put a tally on the white bored everytime I moaned…. which sometimes got embarrassingly high! :-s
