• Question: How can you boost your immune system?

    Asked by meggie to Emily on 19 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Emily Robinson

      Emily Robinson answered on 19 Jun 2011:

      Hi Meggie,

      Well this is a very good question! Your immune system is a very important thing to help you fight off infection in everyday life. The best way to boost your immune system is to stay fit and healthy. So eat a very healthy balanced diet to allow your body to be at the top of its game. Also you should get plenty of exercise as this will also allow your whole body to function better. Getting enough sleep is also very important as this can effect immune system chemical levels… Have you ever had no sleep for a night and felt like you are coming down with a cold? This is because of one of these chemicals!

      Then you can also buy things that are supposed to ‘boost’ your immune system. Taking a multivitamin tablet seems like a good thing for your health but I wouldn’t worry too much about things like Actimel or Yakult as these are supposed to help the friendly bacteria in your gut… but unless you have been ill (like having very bad diarrhoea) you should have plenty friendly bacteria already.

      So unless you have any specific immune system problems my advice is just looking after yourself by eating properly, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and doing exercise!

      Do you have an worries about your own immune system?
