• Question: Do you like the other scientist?

    Asked by miamimi to Cesar, Emily, Jamie, Kate, Philippa on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Philippa Demonte

      Philippa Demonte answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      @miamimi I’m really enjoying meeting and getting to know the other scientists here on IAS. It’s always interesting to see what other people are researching, but being the nosey person that I am, it’s been equally fun to get the gossip on other people. I’m really impressed with @Kate – she does roller derby! 🙂

    • Photo: Kate Clancy

      Kate Clancy answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      No, they’re horrible!


      Actually, I wish I had more of a chance to interact with them, because everyone seems so cool! I have really enjoyed reading Philippa, Jamie, Emily and Cesar’s profiles and it’s been fun interacting in the chats. My only regret is that the chats are so fast that I am frantically answering my own questions and hardly have time to read their responses!

      And Philippa — I’m equally impressed with you. I mean, you study volcanoes! You really are Dora the Explorer! (Which, by the way, is my daughter’s favorite show.)

    • Photo: Cesar Lopez-Monsalvo

      Cesar Lopez-Monsalvo answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      I really like the other scientists. I think it has been a very cool experience for us all. We all do very different things and that helps to have a lot of different views on the questions you ask. It is also a lot of fun for us to read each other answers!

    • Photo: Jamie Gallagher

      Jamie Gallagher answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      the fact that they are willing to do this speaks volumes about who they are. It shows that they are up for engaging young people, about showing a different side to science. I also thing it is really interesting to have a group with such differnt background- to see all out areas of expertise!

      We will be great friends by the end I’m sure and it will be a real shame when we start losing people.

    • Photo: Emily Robinson

      Emily Robinson answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      I definitely feel the same. I went into this experience to engage with you guys and spread science but I never realised that I would feel so much part of a team! It is just great being around like-minded people, even if we are coming from all different scientific backgrounds… actually I think that helps as you get different perspectives on each subject as we all try and answer your questions with a slight slant towards our own interests! And I have learnt a thing or two already too!!!
