• Question: can a black hole explode or implode

    Asked by dillonlancaster to Cesar, Emily, Jamie, Kate, Philippa on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jamie Gallagher

      Jamie Gallagher answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Hi Dillon,

      A black hole has already impoded – it was once a star and it collapsed in on its self. that caused the massive centre that makes black holes.

    • Photo: Cesar Lopez-Monsalvo

      Cesar Lopez-Monsalvo answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      Yes. In fact, when a black hole is formed it normally occurs in a huge explosion of a sufficiently massive star. Most of the material of the original star is ejected to outer space, maybe to form new stars and systems. On the other hand, the core of the star will be too heavy to support its own weight and will collapse without stop. That will be the black hole.

      Now, if our ideas are correct, a black hole does not last forever. If we add quantum theory to the picture, then it will lose some of its mass constantly. That means it will become smaller and smaller as time passes by (assuming it doesn’t swallow anything during that time). Eventually the black hole will disappear in a not very spectacular manner.
